Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rainy Day Photos

Remember that sneak peek of our engagement session I gave last week? Well, now it's time for the feature presentation.

First, a disclaimer. Like I said before, we ended up with torrential downpours (the first in months!) on the evening of our engagement session, so we got only a few photos. We had picked an outdoor location, the Paramount Theatre, because we went there on quite a few of our early dates. We hung out under awnings and at a nearby bar while we waited for the rain to stop but it never quite did. And since The Backyard Groom and I are both photographers, we empathized with our friendor photographer's need to keep his equipment safe and dry.

So all in all, not quite the engagement session I had thought it would be. I confessed about how I obsessed on choosing multiple outfits, but we didn't even end up with time or enough photos for a costume change.

I'm not totally in love with this first photo, but you can tell by the frizzball that my hair became that it was not the kindest night to be photographed on. This was actually the first photo of the night, and I sort of feel like we already looked exasperated by the rainy day photo experience. Oops.

I Photoshopped a few of these, but I think I got a little filter happy. For our photography side business, The Backyard Groom is the processing whiz so please indulge my crazy attempts at effects.

The end! I feel like we got some cool photos out of the night, but because we were so rushed and constantly ducking in and out of the rain, I'm afraid they look a little posed. I tend to like engagement photos that feel more candid and organic (as organic as having someone follow you around with a camera can be). Our friendor photographer offered to do another shoot, but I'm not sure yet if we'll take him up on it. With only a little more than a month to go, spare time is hard to find. And I'm afraid I'll be headed back into obsessive territory.

Did your engagement session have a sequel?


  1. They turned out great - especially after knowing the back story with all the rain! I like #3 the best...

  2. Love the ones with the marquee in the frame. And how you messed with the saturation in those (I'm guessing).

  3. Great photos [Friz hair and all!]

  4. Thanks, ladies! Here's hoping that because we got a rainy engagement session that it won't rain on our wedding day!
